31 October 2010

A True Bridge That Restores Life... LVAD Stamina

I wish that no one had to live with an LVAD; however if your life comes to the point where you are presented with the choice of an LVAD implant… the LVAD may provide you with a better quality of life.

In most cases that I see, stamina that was lost after years of heart failure, or because of a sudden massive heart attack (as in my case)... returns. Some have told me they feel 10-15 years younger because of the increase in stamina that the LVAD offers. A man who is 80 years old, told me that he has not completed 18 holes of golf in over 15 years. A few months ago, with the LVAD, he completed 18 holes!

In my case, I was in decent shape, athletic and health-minded; then I had my silent heart attack. For 6 weeks I could not walk more than 5 feet without feeling too exhausted to continue. I was told that a heart transplant was my only answer to survive. Then I had the LVAD implant as a "Bridge To Transplant" and here I am in the video below:

Here is a video that is my "living proof" :-)


And the Good Saga continues...

The Great LVAD Pumpkin


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