11 February 2011

The Bionic Bride Update:

2011 opened up with news that The Bionic Bride, Ally Smith Babineaux was hospitalized with complications and deterioration of her health... Through her 6 week battle her LVAD kept strong and kept Ally alive that led up to her victory. Ally's victory came in the shape of a heart, her heart transplant.

I was fortunate to have met Ally and her family a few months ago in NYC. The immediate impression left upon me of Ally and her family is a strong loving and beautiful family that NEVER gives up. Despite Ally having an LVAD, she managed to keep on top of her busy schedule flying across the country to attend events in an effort to raise heart health, LVAD and transplant awareness.

So during Ally's recentt battle, it didn't surprise me that she would pull through despite ALL odds. And if this wasn't enough, Ally had the LVAD community, Ally's Family and friends provide a world wide bond for Ally, made up of Prayers, wishes, good thoughts and love.

As this is written Ally's Mom sent me text to my mobile phone stating that Ally is doing great.

We wish Ally a quick and total recovery from her heart transplant. God Bless Ally and the donor family.

Happy Valentines Day Ally <3

The Today Show with Matt Lauer had Ally and her story on air while recently they have been updating their audience of Ally's recent events.


And the good saga continues...

06 February 2011

***Coming soon*** SEASON 2: "From The Bottom Of My LVAD" ...And the good saga continues... :-) :-) :-)

***Coming soon*** SEASON 2:
"From The Bottom Of My LVAD"
...And the good saga continues...
:-) :-) :-)

Until then let's all continue to send good thoughts and Prayers of strength and fast recovery to the Bionic Bride, the Smith and Babineaux Families. Go ALLY!!!

If anyone is wondering i have changed my FB profile photo on my personal and LVAD Fan page to honor Ally's strong fight :-)

And the good saga continues...

- Posted with an LVAD using BlogPress from my iPad :-)