25 December 2013


MERRY CHRISTMAS THORATEC CORPORATION!!! Thank you for the 4 extra years of flying!!! 😎
MERRY CHRISTMAS THORATEC! Thank you for    Giving me the ability to continue to "fly"!!! CHEERS!!!

08 December 2013


What's An LVAD!?!?! 

NOVEMBER 23, 2009 I had my 1st LVAD IMPLANT.

NOVEMBER 22, 2011 I had my 2nd LVAD IMPLANT.

NOVEMBER 22-23, 2013 I watched the Movie OBLIVION for the 5th and 6th time!

And The Good Saga Continues...

20 October 2013

WHERE HAS TIME GONE? Over a year since I posted last!

WHERE HAS TIME GONE? Over a year since I posted last! Wowwww. Doesn't seem it! now I know why I have received messages and emails asking " Are you Dead? Is he dead? Are you ok? What happened to you?"    Then I respond back and I get... "But I thought you were dead! Your Not dead! :-) and it goes on and on...

NOPE, im not dead... If I am then this place where I have been for over a year must be heaven.  

I send out BIG HEARTFELT apologies to those who have followed my blog and were left hanging on how I was... I really didnt consider posting what I have been doing because my email is up on the top of this blog header and felt i would keep in touch with those who directly contacted me.

Quite frankly I needed a break... A true "SABbatical" (we will explain in another future post that my SABbatical entailed running away and  joining a flying circus in a community where all are judged by the WHO in them and not the WHAT!)  I spent myself to the point i needed to Enjoy the LVAD  That i was blessed with for myself and only myself... i almost literally (but not really LOL )have lived an LVAD-FREE life.

 As my blog's theme indicates... 
I poured my whole self into helping folks start LVAD support groups, promote Online Support groups... Advocate for and spoke of my firsthand experiences with LVAD LIFE.  I tried to bring humor to the daily forefront in accepting our NEW NORM with the LVAD... the wires and its gadgets. I visited LVAD patients in hospitals in several states... Spoke to potential LVAD recipients... Participated and was invited to many  Annual Meetings, Summits, symposiums, meet-ups... Interviews, many memorial services for those LVADers who fought the good fight til their last breath...  

I have even participated at COLUMBIA PRESBYTERIAN on a year long study on how slowing the RPMs of an LVAD affects The brain. This SCORR study mapped my brain and will or has helped other LVADers and Stroke victims...

We have reached LVADers and the Health sector on a domestic and international level.  I have met many good folks fighting the same good fight as I am. I poured my soul in helping all that came my way and at the same time i was helping myself in an effort to thank those that have given me a quality of life that is miraculous!  Just to mention a few... Dr Yofi Naka and Columbia Presbyterian LVAD team... THORATEC and my family... I can go on and on with thanks but for now I'd rather keep this post as a quick catch up. 

Lastly, because I can go on and on and on :-) I have also Stood up against bullies and Egos that tend to interfere with our special LVAD community that I call HOME...  So as you see, I selfishly deemed myself  accomplished  and took a well deserved long vacation from LVAD Advocacy. 

Finally on another LVADer's Life's progression... former VP Cheney has written a book on his Heart failure experience... I havent read it yet but hope he mentions his HeartMate II ! Here is his interview itinerary that I received through an email: 
As you may have heard, former Vice President Dick Cheney has written a new book about his 35-year battle with heart disease. Two chapters of the book are about Mr. Cheney’s experience with HeartMate II, which was implanted in 2010 and supported him until he received a heart transplant in 2012. The book is called “Heart: An American Medical Odyssey<http://www.amazon.com/Heart-American-Medical-Odyssey-ebook/dp/B00BSBR6Y8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1382144257&sr=8-1&keywords=cheney+heart>,” and he wrote it with his daughter and his cardiologist.

Mr. Cheney plans to speak on a number of TV shows this week, starting with an interview on 60 Minutes with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. We encourage you to tune in, and to let your friends and families know about the broadcasts.

Some of the shows currently scheduled to feature Mr. Cheney this week are:

60 Minutes. CBS, Sunday, Oct 20 at 7:30 pm ET/PT (following NFL Football) - Preview<http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50157418n>
The Today Show. NBC, Monday, Oct 21. Check your local listings for time - Preview<http://www.today.com/books/dick-cheney-i-said-goodbye-family-heart-surgery-8C11409516>
The Dr. Oz Show. Wednesday, Oct 23. Check your local listings orDoctorOz.com<http://www.doctoroz.com/> for local station and time - Preview<http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/dick-cheney-exclusive>