30 March 2010

The Silent Heart Attack The Silent Killer "You may never know until its too late"

Learn more from http://www.americanheart.org/ on
the Silent Heart Attack

The Silent Heart Attack The Silent Killer

Time can be a heart attack victim's friend or enemy. Speedy diagnosis and treatment are crucial as each second that passes, the heart tissue starts to die. The Silent Heart Attack is the worst type of heart attack. Twice as many deaths occur with the silent heart attack than heart attacks with chest and arm pains.

The silent heart attack fools the patient with a sour stomach and needing to vomit often. The thought of a stomach virus or food poisoning masks the reason to think it was a heart attack; however, diarrhoea is usually absent. Permanent damage will occur to the heart the longer it goes untreated.

Do not hesitate to call your doctor or to go to the emergency room if you develop an abnormally SUDDEN stomach problem. Better to be safe than sorry.

BELIEVE ME as I had a silent heart attack...

And the good saga continues...


  1. my mom just had a silent heart attack. she's been really sick recently...heart attack and stroke in feb. then...we thought she had the flu but it looks as if it was a heart attack because her enzymes are elevated.

  2. Women are affected by Silent Heart Attacks more than men. I hope your mom has a quick recovery.
