18 May 2010

My LVAD makes people say to me "WOW!" People ask me "Why? How?"

My LVAD makes people say to me "WOW!" People ask me "why? How?"

This blog has kept me busy in ways i never thought. Since my first post, back in February, I have been in touch with other LVAD recipients and their families, medical professionals ranging from Nurses to Surgeons... Paramedics, First Responders and Physicians and LVAD Coordinators. From around the world and across the United States, people are reaching out to each other in an effort to better our own lives and to better the lives of future LVAD recipients. My LVAD contacts now reach 12 Countries / 19 States and counting...

Over 4,000 people across the world have the LVAD implant.

3,000+ are located here in the states.

How am I receiving life with the LVAD?! I am 47 years old and had a devastating heart attack 7 months back and the LVAD implanted 6 months ago. Having this LVAD is winning the lottery for me... it has restored a better quality of life for me that i can not put a price on.

With that said, i DO find myself sacrificing alot, but i cant control these changes. What was ...was. However the positives do outnumber the negatives and thats all I care about.

I try NOT to look back and say WHY? Why me? Its normal to feel this way, but i do know its not healthy to look back and question while tormenting myself mentally. What is ...is.

So i choose to look Forward. At times its a slight struggle to keep positive, so thats when i start occupying my mind with other things... change gears. In a way i distract myself from feeling down. I postpone it with no intentions of ever redeeming it :-)

I always remind myself that the man who complained of no shoes, Stopped complaining when he saw the man with no feet...

No doubt... keeping happy is hard work and feeling down is easy... too easy... but not at all Productive! So i keep my mind busy being productive.

Besides... I have kids and grandsons to set an example for... in ways known and unknown to me... :-)

Should you have any questions, send them my way... maybe we can share some ideas...

...keep mentally tough with a poker-face and body strong with a game-face.

And the good saga continues...
email me at: LVADone@gmail.com


  1. Very good word gringo, as always I must say, it's best to keep the mind and body occupied with healthy things worthwhile and not lie to mourn what they do not make sense, look forward and enjoy the simple things like laughter of children, the affection of the wife or husband, the wind, the sun shining on the leaves and much other thing but without question! the inevitable and warm company of friends.
    From here all my support and my love for you dear friend. :)
    It's too late, I'm going to sleep, today I could not find my barman ahahha SW misses you.
    Buenas noches compaƱero de bar.

  2. "A funny thing happened on the way to my future" a new book from Michael J. Fox. I did not read the book but I absolutely love the title. So true for all of us.....funny things happen to us on our way to our future. IT'S WHAT WE DO WITH WHAT HAPPENS TO US ON OUR WAY TO THE FUTURE THAT MATTERS. There are some people that the littlest thing happens and they fall apart. A policeman once told me "Some people have weak spiritual muscles" when this lady literally fell apart when her windshield was cracked a little bit because some kids hit it while mine was smashed but I felt thankful no one was hurt while she was screaming and literally pulling her hair. Weak spriritual muscles........

    I saw an interview with Michael J. Fox and he said his disease has given him a better life than he would have had. He used to take his life for granted and now he is so aware of his family and cherishes each moment of his life. I am sure there are moments that he falls back and has to bring himself right back on the right track as you were saying. We are all just human you know. Life is precious and you always have to remember how important and special you are to so many people. Your wife, your children, your grandchildren, your whole family and friends and now so many new acquaintances. You have been an inspiration to all and I am sure a help to many LVAD brothers and sisters and anyone who is contemplating an LVAD. THEY, whoever they are, say that things happen for reasons....most times I see the reasons and sometimes I keep open for the reasons.... Keep on keeping being you......cherishing and enjoying your precious life. You are a gift to all.....and the good saga continues.........TYG

  3. As you state, "What is - is." ....And what IS- is that you are a manifestation of hope and dreams. An individual of epic formation. You, my friend, show others how to re-energize yourself along the path of life. The path can be dark or can be bright...and I say, I see how you have taken yourself for a stroll along the bright path. We are walking with you. Happiness vs. depression -- these emotions come wrapped inside us the day we are born....and we decide to unwrap the box of happiness when we are celebrating with loved ones...or unwrap the depression box when something has failed us. .... However, there is a special box inside all of us that some don't even know we have...but you have found it...I have witnessed you using it through what I have seen you experience in life...It is that mighty spirit box that helps us pound that depression away until the happiness overrules. The Triumph is yours....What is -- is. Yes. What can be -- will be. Remember...horton hears a who? "We are here, we are here...." Anytime you need, my friend.
