27 July 2010

My LVAD Gives Strength And Allows Me To Be A Caregiver

My wife and CAREGIVER is under the weather with some kind of flu or virus. So my LVAD will take over and care for my wife.

The nurse at my wife's job sent her home as high BP, fever and chills started to develop. The wife of my Primary Physician (both Physician and Wife are close friends of ours as well) told my wife that she will pick her up at the train and bring my wife to emergency to get blood works done.

The reason why our friends decided to take my wife to get the blood works done, was in the event that my wife had a strong or rare flu or virus, they did not want me to catch it. Wow! I feel blessed on 2 fronts... the 1st for having such caring Family and Friends who constantly look out for me. The second front is this LVAD, i am blessed by having it and to the best of my ability... take care of my wife and help her to a speedy recovery.

Currently she is taking medicine to thwart her symptoms and the doctor also prescribed the same medication for me to ward off any possibility that my wife may pass the virus/flu over to me. Later on today I will be taking my wife to a doctor's exam.

I made her breakfast and tea ...but for now I am letting her sleep.

And the good saga continues...


  1. Speedy recovery to AM. I really like the picture you posted of the both of you.

  2. be very vigilant, flu can be severe and nasty. and get yourselves hydrated always. Being a caregiver for someone you love is a tough job, but it can be rewarding — a supreme act of love. Don't forget, you have to take care of yourself too.

  3. While, yes, the LVAD is physically assisting you in helping your wife, I do not believe it has taken over to care for your wife. I believe it is your kindness and love that completely resides within you that has taken over and will bring her to a speedy recovery.
    Sending hugs to ((( AM ))) and you ((( MJ )))

