11 September 2011

WE ALL STOOD STRONG, Cried On Eachother's Left shoulder For Love And Support, Stood On Eachother's Right Shoulders To Rescue And Rebuild

What is the link between my LVAD and September 11th 2001? To sum it up... I AM ALIVE! Ive outlived the VILE ORGANISM THEY CALLED "OSAMA BIN LADEN", a BLOODSUCKING PARASITE" who convinced a legion to hurt and or murder our people our children!

However Thank you God and thank you to MY LVAD. I am ALIVE to do the best I can to protect and guide my family. I AM a Proud American, Born and raised in NYC.

10 years ago today was chaotic BUT WE ALL STOOD STRONG, Cried on each other's Left shoulder for Love and support, Stood on each others right shoulders to Rescue and rebuild again. At my age i still dont know why there is still hatred in the world But I do know I and am blessed by God's grace to be alive and kickin and to read from our younger generation of Love and Strength of our Country's Future! As usual it is Bright and happy like a brilliant smile on a child's face... this Brilliant smile is just a glimpse from my youngest niece who was 2 years old at the time terror hit our lives September 11th 2001. She writes today:

Two towers stood tall
and then began to fall
People started to stare
at nothing that wasn't there
People were crying
... while people were dying
Over 1000 people died
that shoudnt have lost there lives
♥ R.I.P. ♥ you'll never be forgotten

My response to my beautiful niece and her generation...
I Love you Brianna (Daelyn and Dylan), although you were 2 years old when this sadness happened to our Country and to our neighbors... It does my heart good to see the youngest generation of that time honor and remember the friends and families lost on this tragic day. It is important to these innocent heroes who perished that we as a People and Country as well as the World to fight the good fight to ward off evil and misrepresentations of our beliefs and ways. Freedom is God's way to show us to Love life... not for ignorant people to take away. I Love you and your sister from the bottom of my heart and your smiles gives me the energy to stand up against all negativity... ♥ ♥ ♥ xoxoxo



1 comment:

  1. Heartwarming and poignant poem, Brianna. Though so young, your soul is wise and ageless and loving. Though change is needed now, you and your up and coming generation will also rise to the call of compassion for the world's children here and now and yet to come. Very well done, Brianna! Love from your California cousin, Lezlie ((( : )
