17 November 2011

ANOTHER NEW NORM! WHAT CAN I SAY? I AM BLESSED BY MY TRUST IN GOD, Columbia NY Presbyterian Hospital And Thoratec.

The Noble person who had my life and heart in his hands.

Dr Naka The Selfless Surgeon

(Great Name For A TV SHOW)

This is My Wife, Me and My Mom just 8 hours after pump swap. I already was off the Vent, sitting up in a chair for 3hours and back in bed.

DISCHARGED 7 days after pump swap and heading home :-)

7 days after my LVAD Pump Swap I headed home Happier than before. Stronger than Ive ever been. I have alot of folks to thank but must start with 3 people. My Wife, Mother and Dr Naka who has had my heart in his hands twice.

2 years ago I had the Heartmate II implant. However I always knew I would be back in the hospital... for a Heart Transplant and or perhaps a pump replacement as i am blood type O negative which is the rarest blood type and longest wait for a heart.

Anyway with this mindset from 2 years back, i was always somewhat prepared to return for surgery. Like a Samarai Warrior, i envisioned myself going through different types of scenerios. Good ones and Bad ones... in an effort to always be prepared.

I like to constantly remind myself of the variables and possiblities surrounding me at any given time. I am not trying to be a hero but more a realist so that if something arises I AM THE STRONGEST I CAN BE... mentally or physically. To Me 90% of any battle is mental.

Today is the first day where i do not feel as exhausted as yesterday. :-) so for me this is DAY 1. I will be posting my experience and findings on my pump failure and swap. How it felt when the pump stopped and my native heart took over.

I will also discuss the folks involved in my surgery and recovery... but for now i leave a photo of me upon discharge... in the back seat of my truck as my wife is driving and my mom riding shotgun. One of me and my Caregivers and Dr Naka the most gifted man that has saved/restored/restarted my life TWICE!!!


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