16 June 2015

Being A Goaltender Represents: Accomplishments And Defeating Obstacles

As posted earlier, I have made the decision earlier this year to suit up and play in goal again.  It's a long, planned road of proper conditioning, extensive reinforcements and modifications of my hockey equipment.

I wouldn't recommend being a goalie to any of my fellow LVADers, but I have been playing in between the pipes my entire life. It was in 2009 with my first LVAD implant that I was told I could NOT play again.  What I would like to project is to any LVADer is keep your focus on your dreams, lost dreams and or trade-offs that life has set forth in your lives.

Keep on keeping on!  Or in my case πŸ˜„... "Keep On Goalkeeping On!"

Check out this video: Making Of A Bionic Goalie Part I (not me in the video... Yet... just the leg pad modification that enables me to slide easily without jolting my body) 

Some Thanks to: LVAD,HEARTMATE II,HEARTMATE,THORATEC,Larry W, ROLLERFLY,REY,Maria Mountain,Revolution Sport Conditioning,Hockey Training Pro,@GoalieTraining @RollerFlyGuy #OneDayBetter #LVAD 

And The Good Saga Continues... As the #BionicGoalie πŸ˜„πŸ‘


  1. Hi Joshua.. I am a prior LVAD patient and am working on a book about the LVAD experience. I was wondering if you would like to participate in this project. All that would be required is that I interview you with questions about yourself before the implant and then your life after the implant. There is no compensation other than receiving a copy of the book and you being credited in the book. My e-mail is Thomas_martin_ca@hotmail.com and my website is OnePercentHealth.com. Thank you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, Joshua. Congratulations on being a goalie again! I never would have thought you could do that with an LVAD. You're opening doors for all us LVADers. I received mine two months ago, and am still recovering from the surgery, but gaining strength each day. I'm an old man, too old for a transplant, and look forward to hikes in the woods again. If you can play goalie, I can go for a hike in the woods, right? I've started a blog about my experience to help other LVADers. You can see it at www.lvadlife.com.
