16 June 2015

Being A Goaltender Represents: Accomplishments And Defeating Obstacles

As posted earlier, I have made the decision earlier this year to suit up and play in goal again.  It's a long, planned road of proper conditioning, extensive reinforcements and modifications of my hockey equipment.

I wouldn't recommend being a goalie to any of my fellow LVADers, but I have been playing in between the pipes my entire life. It was in 2009 with my first LVAD implant that I was told I could NOT play again.  What I would like to project is to any LVADer is keep your focus on your dreams, lost dreams and or trade-offs that life has set forth in your lives.

Keep on keeping on!  Or in my case 😄... "Keep On Goalkeeping On!"

Check out this video: Making Of A Bionic Goalie Part I (not me in the video... Yet... just the leg pad modification that enables me to slide easily without jolting my body) 

Some Thanks to: LVAD,HEARTMATE II,HEARTMATE,THORATEC,Larry W, ROLLERFLY,REY,Maria Mountain,Revolution Sport Conditioning,Hockey Training Pro,@GoalieTraining @RollerFlyGuy #OneDayBetter #LVAD 

And The Good Saga Continues... As the #BionicGoalie 😄👍

28 May 2015

13 Year Old Colby Was JUST Implanted With an LVAD/ Please Check Out His Link

Hello all, Colby is 13 years old, he has just been implanted with an LVAD!!! I was tweeting with his Mom in the early AM this morning.  He has won over my heart... Wowwww.... PLEASE spread the word read more at his link...


16 May 2015


It's been some time since I last posted; I've been keeping busy, living happy, chasing dreams...

#Thoratec + #ROLLERFLY + #LVAD = #BionicGoalie

Here is Building a Bionic Hockey Goalie: Part 1
(Please read the description I wrote on the YouTube video)

And the good saga continues... :-)